Willow Settling In

Willow is a little butterball, Jewel’s whipping her right into shape: she’s probably burning 3x as many calories as before, she’s lost weight overnight! And Jewel’s eating about 3x as much food as before. All they do is wrestle. All the time. And Jewel’s on top 95% of the time.
I think Jewel is the instigator, and Willow’s constantly growling: she sounds like a mini-motorbike. Though, when Jewel isn't touching her, Willow will bark and bark and bark until she plays again. Jewel gives her hell whenever Willow bites her.
What a Rowdy pair!!
We have to separate them occasionally because Willow wants to snooze and Jewel won’t have it. She probably doesn’t realize the new puppy is a permanent fixture and is trying to get as much fun out of her as possible.
They occasionally lay side by side and chew on their toys. Or share a toy.
(Munchy munchy munchy on carrot treats... my little vegetarians...)
Jewel barks at Willow when Willow finally acts submissive. Ian says they walked into the crate last light and Jewel spooned Willow.
Our Christmas decorations are about as up as they’re going to get.
Willow understands that presents go under the Christmas trees, the aroma of hers, however, fills the entire house.
We can’t get over how different these two are, both in personality, conformation, and movement. Jewel jumps around like a gazelle and Willow can barely clear the sides of their bed. Willow has a lot more wags and chews on everything.
I’ll spend the rest of this week getting Willow settled in: I’m relying on Jewel to do some of it for me, and she’s doing a great job! One of these days I need to get my office together.
Right now, I can shower and clean the kitchen and not have to wonder what kind of trouble they’re getting into because I can hear them wrestling. When I came out of the bathroom this morning, they were laying side by side very nicely on the doormat waiting expectantly.
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