Trials and Triumphs

This is Jewel last night after figuring out she could hop from my shoulder and have a clear shot of the couch. Shawna was right: this pup's FEARLESS. I had picked her up and she wiggled up to my shoulder and made a break for the couch. We played Jewel's-got-the-most-ferocious-bark-in-the-world game on the couch after that (we'll upload the video soon). I don't know if this is such a smart game, but she was all up ons...
Jewel pooped in the sod tray twice this morning, but this afternoon I LET HER OUT OF MY SIGHT FOR 10 SECONDS and she pooped in a favorite spot near the kitchen. And this was after trying to get her to go in the sod.
She *leaked* twice on the crate pad in the morning, then did if for real in the sod. We decided, well there's NO WAY she'd pee in there if her snuggler bed is in there, right?
WROOOOOOOOOOONG! She totally peed on her snuggler bed pad in the crate, and I hope it's the last time.
Somehow we need to figure out how to get her NOT to pee (or poo) in the crate. The reason we haven't shut her in there with it is because I want to get everything into the wash right away. I do 2 loads of her stuff alone every day.
She slept in the closed crate all night (again? the days are starting to run into each other). I got up with her at 3am (set my alarm). She leaked a little on the patio door mat and I stopped her and tried to get her in the sod, but she wouldn't go. I quartered a potty pad and put it on the sod so she gets in the tray and goes on the pad that's on the sod. Well, it's a start...
Jewel's been chasing her tail a lot, and her butt or base of her tail seems to itch. It may be just that she needs more frequent or daily butt baths. Her ears and face seem to itch her, too. I thought it may have been that I didn't get all the soap rinsed off her after her last bath (2 days ago?). I'm open for suggestions...
I don't think she has fleas because she's been treated with Advantage and I have seen any. I think her face itches because of the Vaseline I'm using to kept her hair out of her eyes. Her tear stains appear to be lightening, either that or they are always dry. I'm happy about this.
We worked on sit, down and rollover. Sit and down are pretty easy. Roll-over is particularly challenging, since she doesn't often do it spontaneously. But I got her to do it once!!!!!
I got a cute video of her fetching, I hope to get it up soon.
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