
too cute for words...

Whatcha got there, Mom?

Throw the DANG BALL already!

I want UP Mom!

Willow the Waterdog who, as you know, drinks a LOT of water, besides "swimming" in her waterbowl, now just can't get enough during a 24 hour day...
Last night, or shall I say, in the wee hours of the morning, Willow was whining and pacing back and forth from our bedroom to the kitchen. Daddy was in and out of bed trying to get her to go back to sleep:
A) Cold draft from his throwing back the covers and forgetting I'm in it
B) Bouncing out of bed rather than sneaking in and out and bouncing ME around
C) Thumping his feet down the hall instead of tip-toeing
D) Calling, talking, pleading with Willow in FULL voice rather than whispering
For an HOUR they were going back and forth like this (and me, FUMING and exhausted saying leave her alone, we suspect she's in heat and the hormones make her moody and restless)
When he realized she was wanting something up on the counter, Ian finally went out there and realized that Willow wanted FRESH water out of the Brita filter, not the remnants of water with floaters, which is on the counter.
He cleaned her dish and refilled it, she drank for several minutes, shut up, and went to bed.
Who'd have thought...
Hi there,
Nice blog! Hope you can visit my babies web blog. . more power!
That's a Shih-Tzu for you! I have two as well, and they find all kinds of ways to get you to understand their little shih-tzu thoughts! They aren't just dogs, they are little beings.
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