Growing up

Play Mom!

I LOVE you Momma!

Willow on my knee: Lookee Momma! I got the ball!

Girls and Daddy: Jewel

Girls and Daddy: Willow

Girls feasting on carrot tops, YUM!
They're getting so big! I try not to look at their 'baby pictures,' rather I imagine they haven't grown at all. I think their long bone growth has levelled off, and Willow's turning into a little fatty, so I'm starting to restrict them by not refilling their food during the day. I imagine I'll be feeding them separately to control portions since Willow either eats way more than Jewel, or Jewel's got a killer metabolism, because she's still lean and mean.
I've totally spoiled them. I haven't stayed on Willow's case for potty training and she just does whatever in her favorite spots. I did so well with Jewel, I don't know why I'm so lazy with Willow.
The next thing is spaying them, since they're 5 months (WHAT!?!?) old now. I think I want to trim Willow's weight down a little first: she's got a buddha belly!
Willow talks all the time. I want up, I want down, I want that, Jewel took my chewy, I want my Daddy, I wanna go outside... Her vocal inflections crack me up everyday. They both have their play growls: I don't know quite how to describe them: but their like little motors running with occasional squeaks and yips. Willow also bays occasionally, like a beagle.
They are growing more beautiful everyday, too. As far as their coats go, if I have to have them clipped when they blow their puppy coats I'm going to just eat my head. There's this shih tzu group that Dot's mom participates in that I read and there are so many people talking about their matted dogs and some didn't know it!
I just don't get it (All in due course, I suppose). I brush them both daily (Jewel loooooooooves it) and you can either see their skin or not, right?
Their expressions are also developing. Willow's had a bit of a strabismus (googely eye) but it seems to be going away: she's looking at me straight on with both eyes. I think it's in part because her eyes are relatively wide-set.
Jewel has lion-set eyes: they are closer together and look straight on. Her eye sight is very keen and I think the forward set orientation is part of what makes her so crazy about chasing and fetching as well as her speed and agility. (You'd think I was talking about a Rhoades scholar)
Their play is getting more complicated. In addition to their wrestling, Willow saunters around baiting Jewel who crouches not unlike a cat and pounces her. Willow also runs around telling Jewel 'Chase me! Chase Me! Betcha can't catch me!' and Jewel whines and whimpers as she chases her around the couch.
It's absolutely hilarious!!
They've also taken to sniffing each others' butts, so I think they may be reaching puberty.
Willow's lower front teeth are in, I just noticed Jewel's gums are irritated in places. I don't brush their teeth (they gnaw on lots of carrots) which are enviously white and I honestly don't know if it's the growing teeth (lots of it!) or gingival disease. I just looked at Willow's and the only places her's are irritated are where the tooth buds are, so I'm not concerned for the time being.
Willow's got a visible underbite now.
Jewel pulled Willow's hair-do off 3 times this morning. BAD puppy. Momma wants to see her pretty eyes.
Willow begs relentlessly whenever I'm in the kitchen. They don't really know to beg when we're at the table.
We've gotten rid of the puppy condo. It's NIIIIICE to have our living room back. We woke up to 3 poops on paper, one pee on and one off. Daddy's not happy. He doesn't realize that at least the pees are happening in the SAME places, so it's less floor to fix.
(Daddy LOVES to complain about the state of the floor. Mom says to shut up, there's nothing to be done about it until we move so stop wasting your energy and my patience)
We got rid of the fake green grass out on the patio since they peed all over it and it reeked. I scrubbed the patio and laid 2 pads adjacent to each other and, wow, now they hit the pad out there everytime. What a concept.
We were in New York and Connecticut over the weekend (yes, during the 26 inches of snow fall in less than 24 hours) Here's what it looked like: We're at Ian's Uncle's place, here.
Before the snow...

After the snow...

Cottage before the snow...

Cottage where we stayed after the snow. Actually, I think that's the pool house.

Ian at Ground zero. Big construction hole in the ground. They're building a memorial park down in there.

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