Roomba, The Robot Vacuum
We bought a Roomba this weekend because we are always vacuumming. If we aren't always vacumming then we are getting the bottoms of our feet dirty and hairy. With little hairballs, even a freshly vacumed house is soon full of hair and dirt from outside.
We had hoped to be able to post a great posting about the girls freaking out, given the way they respond to our "real" vacuum. The plan was to include videos and all. The girls were interested, even a bit concerned, but barked so little, we weren't really able to get any decent video.
Here are the few decent pics we could get.

We had hoped to be able to post a great posting about the girls freaking out, given the way they respond to our "real" vacuum. The plan was to include videos and all. The girls were interested, even a bit concerned, but barked so little, we weren't really able to get any decent video.
Here are the few decent pics we could get.

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