Day One -- Jewel Comes Home
1300 hours
The pupcake takes to the crate and car without any trouble. We start to move and once we are around the corner from her birth home, the whining begins. And she screams bloody murder and scratches to get out for for 2 or 3 minutes: oh wait, she likes the jazz music, that lasts about 7 seconds.
We get over the bridge and she's pooped : we're on our way to Daddy's office of course. So I pull over since I had forgotten to wrap her crate pad with a wee wee pad.
Poop everywhere, including me. The blanket sent home with her for comfort scent purposes has now become a poop pad, so it is sacrificed to the poop gods, until it's washed. I'm holding her in one hand and cleaning the best I can with the other and she's shaking out of her boots. Call Daddy, we're covered in poo, maybe we'll visit the office tomorrow.
1320 hrs
Arrive at new home. Jewel cautiously steps out of crate and sniffs new floors: oh LOOK! (wag wag... trots toward reflection in mirror) there's someone else here...sorta...sniff around kitchen, bathroom, hallway: Hey, nice bed. The blue bone's a nice touch.

1325 hrs
Daddy's home for lunch and is delirous. Pictures, videos, and a cat harness to swim in. Thirsty. First trip outside: shiver shiver on the pavement, eat grass, stretch out in grass, chew sticks, sniff leaves, oooooh this is FUN!

1430 hrs
Hungry. Meets new toy friend Pedge Pog. Chases squeaky soccer ball. Into to bed with nylabone. Paces the hallway for a minute, looks around and softly cries. I'm alone. Mom turns back for 2 seconds and finds a puddle next to poopy crate pad.
1435 hrs
Bath time for the poopy butt and paws. Holds very still for combing and brushing, except for the nervous shivering. Jewel drops off to sleep in towel while mom's looks for homeopathic anxiety drops. Guess we don't need those now. Time for a lap nap while mom's on the computer.

Found the wee wee pad and used by self.
1700 hrs
Just woke up from another nap, realizes she's the lone dog. Not sure what to make of this, but forgets it all when there's a lap. Wants down off chair. climbs into bed. Waiting for Daddy to get home, he's on his way. Crying, where'd everybody GO? Exploring... potty maybe?
to be continued...
The pupcake takes to the crate and car without any trouble. We start to move and once we are around the corner from her birth home, the whining begins. And she screams bloody murder and scratches to get out for for 2 or 3 minutes: oh wait, she likes the jazz music, that lasts about 7 seconds.
We get over the bridge and she's pooped : we're on our way to Daddy's office of course. So I pull over since I had forgotten to wrap her crate pad with a wee wee pad.
Poop everywhere, including me. The blanket sent home with her for comfort scent purposes has now become a poop pad, so it is sacrificed to the poop gods, until it's washed. I'm holding her in one hand and cleaning the best I can with the other and she's shaking out of her boots. Call Daddy, we're covered in poo, maybe we'll visit the office tomorrow.
1320 hrs
Arrive at new home. Jewel cautiously steps out of crate and sniffs new floors: oh LOOK! (wag wag... trots toward reflection in mirror) there's someone else here...sorta...sniff around kitchen, bathroom, hallway: Hey, nice bed. The blue bone's a nice touch.

1325 hrs
Daddy's home for lunch and is delirous. Pictures, videos, and a cat harness to swim in. Thirsty. First trip outside: shiver shiver on the pavement, eat grass, stretch out in grass, chew sticks, sniff leaves, oooooh this is FUN!

1430 hrs
Hungry. Meets new toy friend Pedge Pog. Chases squeaky soccer ball. Into to bed with nylabone. Paces the hallway for a minute, looks around and softly cries. I'm alone. Mom turns back for 2 seconds and finds a puddle next to poopy crate pad.
1435 hrs
Bath time for the poopy butt and paws. Holds very still for combing and brushing, except for the nervous shivering. Jewel drops off to sleep in towel while mom's looks for homeopathic anxiety drops. Guess we don't need those now. Time for a lap nap while mom's on the computer.

Found the wee wee pad and used by self.
1700 hrs
Just woke up from another nap, realizes she's the lone dog. Not sure what to make of this, but forgets it all when there's a lap. Wants down off chair. climbs into bed. Waiting for Daddy to get home, he's on his way. Crying, where'd everybody GO? Exploring... potty maybe?
to be continued...
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